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Create a dotsec.config.ts file in the current directory

import type { DotsecConfig } from "dotsec";

export const dotsec: DotsecConfig = {
    defaults: {
        options: {
            // Specify the .env file to use
            envFile: ".env",

            // Specify the .sec file to use
            secFile: ".sec",

            // Create encryption/decryption manifest file
            createManifest: true,

             * Setting this option to true will cause send env or sec variable values to stdout.
             * By default, this is disabled.
            showRedacted: true,

             * Show output background color
             * If set to true, the default output color will be used,
             * or you can specify one of the following:
             *  "black",
             *  "red",
             *  "green",
             *  "yellow",
             *  "blue",
             *  "magenta",
             *  "cyan",
             *  "white",
             *  "black-bright",
             *  "gray",
             *  "grey",
             *  "red-bright",
             *  "green-bright",
             *  "yellow-bright",
             *  "blue-bright",
             *  "magenta-bright",
             *  "cyan-bright",
             *  "white-bright"
            outputBackgroundColor: true | BackgroundColor,

     * This is where you can make exceptions for showing
     * specific env or sec variable values.
    redaction?: {
        show: string[]